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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

LOST finale preview - The Oceanic 6

Ok, I am pretty excited about the LOST finale tomorrow night. (And a little worried that so many of my posts have centered around tv...) I mean, maybe we'll see who is in the coffin? And find out why Jack has the NEED to get back to the island? And why the heck is Kate raising Aaron? What happened to those who didn't get off the island? Did they stay behind of their own accord? Why doesn't Richard age? What happened to Claire? Why is Christian (Jack and Claire's dad in Jacob's cabin? What is up with the cabin anyway? And so many other questions...

I get pretty into these kinds of shows (if you can't tell), where there is a constantly changing plot line that actually makes you think. I am on board with the whole wrinkle in the space time continuum theory that is out there, but I won't take time right now to go into my theories. :)

I was reading TV guide on Sunday, and they have this great recap of what has happened (esp with the flash forwards) that just makes you that much more ready for the finale. So, I thought I'd share the high lites of the article for those not tv obsessed enough to have the magazine.

First, they have a good breakdown of each character of the Oceanic 6. I'll just give the last seen and finale preview of each, cause, well, the rest although good is long, and you probs already know it all. Again, these aren't really my thoughts, just my snapshots of what was in the article.

Sun Kwon:

Last seen: with Aaron on the freighter, moments after discovering a ginormous bomb on board.

Finale: ... we find "the once passive character going toe-to-toe with the "one other" she holds accountable."

Hugo 'Hurley' Reyes:
Last seen: in the jungle with Locke as Ben surrenders to Keamy in the Orchid greenhouse

Finale: "There is definitely a physical demand to how we get home," says Garcia. "Its brutal and we do it with a baby!"

Sayid Jarrah:

Last seen: with Kate being led by gunpoint through the woods by ageless Richard Alpert

Finale: "... the wicked physical fight he gets into with Keamy..."

Aaron Littleton:
Last seen: far from Claire or Kate, in the arms of Sun

Finale: Aaron is the timeline 'barometer' to tell you where in the future you are. Side note: many have wondered what is up with Claire since she was seen with Christian in the cabin (is she dead?)... "That creepy enigmatic smile she had on her face was kind of like the Mona Lisa for 2008," teases Cuse [LOST executive producer]

Kate Austen:

Last seen: held captive, along with Sayid, by Richard Alpert and the Others
Finale: "Kate's on the outs with Sawyer in a major way," but that doesn't mean they won't have another crazy on screen kiss before they're separated.

Jack Shephard:

Last seen: Trekking to the orchid with Sawyer in an attempt to rescue Hurley.

Finale: "Look for an intense run in between Man of Science Jack and Man of Faith Locke," also, "the truth about why the Oceanic 6 have to lie about their time on the island upon returning home."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

holy cow--that last episode was awesome. Did you know that jeremy bentham came up with the idea for the modern prison system, as well as ideas for classrooms, surveillance, and control. I read about him in a Michel Foucault book in grad school. Bentham's idea was called the Panopticon--interesting stuff.