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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

He's Just Not That Into You

Ok, I'm not often the one to jump onto a bandwagon of popularity.

A few years ago I remember watching Oprah (before I had learned the error in my ways) and saw an episode with Greg Behrendt, a comedian and co-author of the book He's Just Not That Into You.

Well, I was mildly entertained by the show, but didn't really think of it again.

Then, with the recent movie made from the popular book, the He's Just Not That Into You phenomenon seems to be gaining popularity again.

Last weekend I decided that I would pick up the book and see if it was all it is cracked up to be. (Since I skipped out on going to the movie with a bunch of my friends, I figured that would be the best way to be more in the know. Or something.).

Well, it was entertaining in parts, and really had some good points. It also had a lot to say that I really didn't agree with, and even parts I skipped all together.

But what kept going through my mind was, so do guys realize that sometimes She's Just Not That Into You? I know, they can't write that as a self help book, cause no guy wants to go pick up a self help book (or so they say). But shouldn't that info be out there still?

So after consulting with a good friend of mine, I've come up with a lot of different scenarios that may just show how NOT into you she may be. So stay tuned and read on to find out.

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